Connecting to the tribes of the world
I think that Matt did a fantastic job. I was laughing when I saw the first part, but then I was amazed that how did he manged to get the whole world to dance with him. It must have taken him months organize the video clip. I think that the dancing connects with Tragore's poem and the video clip:'The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures.." I that Wherever Matt is in the world, the world is dancing with him. His video was kind of funny the first time he is alone but when people started to join him, I felt that the whole world was alive and was dancing with Matt. I felt when i watched this that we are all connected to the world. I think that the movie is great combined with the poem.
I chose this picture because I can see two people dancing which shows that the world is connected.You can also see a whirl around these figures i which is like the spinning world.