Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Essay reflecting: Writing skills

This year I could see that my Alchemist essay is better then my Julius Caesar essay, because when I did the Alchemist essay I was more prepared and I had much clearer information. I could improve by using more suitable words and more accurate explanation in my Julius Caesar essay.

My Alchemist essay shows that i had organized information good because it all makes sense and I had time to prepare it. In my Julius Caesar essay I could improve my organization by preparing the essay and use appropriate words. Such as when I said that Brutus was noble but i didnt focus on his nobleness. This shows that I wasn't that organized i could be more organized by focusing n my subject and refer back to the paragraph.

Referring to my personal growth on these essay. I think that i could have improved my essay just by focusing and organizing on the task. I haven't done better in my Julius Caesar essay because I wasn't that focused on the main topic and it wasn't organized.

I had used thinking creatively as an SLR in the Alchemist essay because I tried to use different word instead of repeating them, and I thought of the previous story and I tried to connect them together so that my essay look like it has been organized and thoughtful.

Julius Caesar: Brutus Essay

Brutus Essay

“And say you do ’t by our permission; Else shall you not have any hand at all about his funeral” This quotation shows that Brutus is generous, but Brutus made a mistake of not listening to Cassius because if Antony wouldn’t make the speech Rome wouldn’t fallout of Brutus’s hand. This quote shows that Brutus is being a leader and giving orders to people. Brutus is patriotism and he is noble, this shows that he gives his importance to the country. He sacrificed Caesar for Rome to live in freedom and as a republic but this had bought him to his death.

Brutus is willing to be a villager just to keep Rome in peace. This shows his love to the country and therefore he is patriotism because he loves his country and wants them to be a republic. Brutus’s patriotism shows out of Brutus by him killing Caesar because he and the conspiracies thought that when Caesar is the leader of Rome and is a king he might be too arrogant and would let man live in slavery. Brutus killed Caesar because he wanted to let Romans to live in peace this makes Brutus act as a leader and would take in charge of Rome. “Brutus had rather be a villager than to repute himself a son of Rome.” This quotation shows that Brutus is willing to sacrifice himself or bring himself lower to bring Rome into success. This shows that Brutus is patriotism and that he loves his country and that he is willing to become a villager than a roman citizen. This quotation shows that Brutus is loyalty to his country and will do anything for Rome and it shows Brutus’s patriotism because he loves his country. When Brutus plans to kill Caesar he plans to kill him as a sacrifice he did this only to keep Rome as a republic and not letting Caesar to take Romans as slavery. “Let’s be sacrifices, but not butchers, Caius. We all stand up against the spirit of Caesar” This quote shows that Brutus is patriotism because he wants to kill Caesar as a sacrifice and not as a butcher. This shows that Brutus cares more about his country of being a better place without Caesar making slaves. The last quotation means that Brutus wants peace and a republic. Overall Brutus had completed his goal on killing Caesar but not on making the people follow him; therefore Antony wants to carry Caesar’s revenge and curse the conspirators.

Brutus is a person who can be trusted and is a higher respected person this shows that Brutus is an honorable person. Brutus is an honorable person because of his bloodline; his ancestors might have rules Rome once and brought them to peace. Brutus is a generous and an arrogant person, it has made a leader because he is a honorable person. “ He speaks by leave and by permission: And that we are contented Caesar shall have true rites and lawful ceremonies.” This shows that Brutus is an honorable person because even though he killed Caesar he still says that he have rights to have a lawful ceremonies. Brutus is honorable also because let Antony speak at Caesar’s funeral. This quotations means that he is leading Antony and controlling on when shall he speak.

Brutus’s main conflict is on Antony because Antony could change the crowd to turn over the conspirators. Brutus had not completed his goal because he didn’t manage to gain complete control over Rome, and he didn’t make Roman a peaceful place. His goal was noble but not when Antony took lead.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The lost boys of sudan - Peter

I am writing about Peter's 3rd person

When first Peter came to America, or thought about it he was very happy because he everyone thought of America being heaven, but when peter goes to America he realized that he had much more difficulties over there. Peter had difficulties for his education, his job and his daily living. He suffered living and could barely manage his own life. Peter experienced that the people are racist against them, and that he they are lower or not richer than the other people. They also learned that the American’s culture wasn’t as their own culture where their culture, everyone is family and friendly. Peter was shock that their culture was completely different. He tried to join other friend parties such as their friends and that he tried to join the basketball team. He tried to adjust to their culture by joining them in community.